
As we were walking past the cages to get to another dog, the sad, yearning look on this dog's face stopped me in my tracks. "Very sad, she has already been networked with no response, she is out of time," Robin told me. I had to stop as this dog mushed her face as hard as she could against the bars just so she could make some contact with me. The look on her face, the desperate need for love and warmth were truly heartbreaking. She doesn't know that her life is almost over at the age of two, she doesn't realize that she is an unwanted breed, no one wants her....or perhaps she does....because day after day no one stops for her, no one comes to take her home, she is no one's "keeper". She belongs to no one, her pretty amber eyes look at the sunshine outside her cage and she wants to just be cuddled and stroked so desperately. But the likelihood is that her life will end here, the grey of her cage, the cold steel of the bars preventing her from getting to what she wants so much---to please someone, to hear a kind word and told she is a good girl is all she wants. If you can rescue this dog responsibly [no forever boarding PLEASE], please email Robin at robinh@bestfriends.org or contact the shelter ASAP. RESCUED. When I picked Hazel up from Gayle [hardworking volunteer who kindly transported Hazel from Baldwin Shelter to me], Hazel was a little drowsy from spay surgery. When I brought her home she was a little shy, the kind of neglected dog who didn't know what a treat was. She politely took the treat from me, then dropped it on the bed as she didn't recognize it as food. As sleepy as she was she suddenly sat up and leaned against me, she is a glue dog, all she wants is love. The following morning when I fed her, Hazel's little tail didn't stop wagging. Her eyes are just amazing, like she is wearing make-up, they are so light, expressive, with these long lashes. She looks at me with this completely innocent look, she is so affectionate and sweet. It is clear she was bred in her old life and very neglected. What fun it is to show her what life can be like. When I look at her, I just imagine what a loss it would have been if she had been killed. She is so special, when we took her on her first "family walk" her pretty hazel eyes took everything in with wonder, she would occasionally look at me in wonderment, a big smile on her face. She is great with other dogs, she wants to kiss them on the mouth..... I love Hazel so much and the feeling is clearly mutual. This is one special dog. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED WITH HER RESCUE, YOU ROCK AND SHE WOULDN'T BE HERE WITHOUT ALL THE CROSS-POSTING, DONATIONS, AND CARING.